Privacy Policy

TERMS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE SITE These Terms and Conditions of Use, hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions," regulate the intermediation services of purchase and sale carried out by the website Banmo Shop, hereinafter referred to as "INTERMEDIARY." 1) Any individual, hereinafter referred to as "BUYER," who intends to use the services of Banmo Shop, must accept the Terms of Use and all other policies and principles that govern them. 2) ACCEPTANCE OF THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS INDISPENSABLE FOR THE USE OF THE SITES AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY Banmo Shop. 3) The USER must read, certify that they have understood, and accept all the provisions established in the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, so that their registration as a "buyer" can be successfully completed. II – OF THE BUYER: 4) The services are only available to individuals who have full legal capacity to contract. Therefore, people under 18 years of age or those affected by other incapacities listed in articles 3 and 4 of the Brazilian Civil Code cannot register, unless they are duly represented or assisted. 5) Banmo Shop does not provide services to legal entities, limiting itself to providing intermediation services between individuals. 6) The "BUYER" undertakes to provide their personal data truthfully and accurately, and must update them whenever there is any change. 7) Banmo Shop is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the "BUYER," being solely responsible for its content. 8) Banmo Shop can check the accuracy of the "BUYER's" registration data at any time. If it finds that there are incorrect or untrue data, or if the "BUYER" refuses or fails to send the required documents, Banmo Shop may block the "BUYER" until the irregularity is resolved. III – OF THE SERVICE PROVIDED: 9) Banmo Shop is a website that aims to intermediate the purchase and sale of imported products, charging a fee for each "transaction" carried out. 10) Banmo Shop is limited to carrying out import transactions exclusively between individuals, not intermediating imports between individuals and legal entities. 11) The services provided by Banmo Shop will be remunerated through a percentage based on the value of the "transaction." 12) Banmo Shop is not a supplier of any products or advertised on the site. Banmo Shop provides a service that brings the "BUYER" into contact with the supplier's products and goods, which may be national and/or imported products. 13) The "INTERMEDIARY" cannot be held responsible for the right of withdrawal from products purchased on the Banmo Shop site, as it only intermediates between the interested parties. IV- CAPACITY OF THE BUYER 14) The services provided by the "INTERMEDIARY" are only available to individuals who have legal capacity to contract them. 15) The "INTERMEDIARY" does not conduct transactions with "BUYERS" who do not have civil capacity (individuals), without prejudice to the application of the legal sanctions provided for in the Brazilian Civil Code, notably, articles 166, I; 171, I, and 180. V- MODIFICATIONS TO THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 16) The "INTERMEDIARY" may change these General Terms and Conditions at any time, aiming at their improvement and the improvement of the services provided. The new General Terms and Conditions will come into force 10 (ten) days after their publication on the Sites. Within 5 (five) days from the publication of the new version, the "BUYER" must communicate via email if they do not agree with the amended terms. In this case, the contractual relationship will cease to exist. If there is no manifestation within the stipulated period, it will be understood that the User accepted the new General Terms and Conditions of use, and the contract will continue to bind the parties. The changes will not apply to negotiations already started before their publication, remaining in these cases, the previous wording in force. VI- ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 17) The "BUYER" declares that they are aware that the "INTERMEDIARY" does not have in stock the products offered, and they are available in the "SUPPLIER's" stock. 18) The "BUYER" expressly understands and agrees that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the "INTERMEDIARY" will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses resulting from the use or inability to use the Service. 19) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, under no circumstances will the "INTERMEDIARY" be liable for loss of profits or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or related to our site, our Services, or these Terms of Service (regardless of the origin, including negligence). 20) The "INTERMEDIARY" does not guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, nor does it guarantee the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable. 21) The "INTERMEDIARY" does not guarantee the quality of the products, services, information, or other materials purchased or obtained by the "BUYER." 22) The "INTERMEDIARY" does not issue refunds. PAYMENT OF FEES 22) The "BUYER" is responsible for all applicable taxes arising from or resulting from the purchase of products. To the extent that these Taxes are levied, applicable tax rates are calculated based on the billing address you provide. These amounts are additional to the product and service fees and will be billed using your Authorized Payment Method. PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION 23) Banmo Shop is firmly committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and the personal information of the "BUYER." By using the Service, you acknowledge and agree that the collection, use, and disclosure of such personal information by Banmo Shop is governed by our Privacy Policy.